Tuesday, April 9, 2019

the Titanic

The Titanic

Image result for Titanic and when it was being built

When and where the titanic was built and what it was built from
The great ship called the titanic was built on the 31 March 1909 . It was built from from ink-thick mild steel and wrought iron rivets and equipped with the newest technology in those days for example it had an electrical control panel that was 30 to 40 feet long. The panel controlled all of the fans,generators and lightning on the ship. It also controlled the condensers that turned steam back into water, along with the few machines that took salt out of the ocean water to make it drinkable.
Image result for titanic life boats
Facts on Titanic Lifeboats and why they didn't have enough.

The titanic carried 20 lifeboats  it was designed to carry 32 but they decided the deck would be too full. The first lifeboat could carry 64 people it only carried 28. The titanic carried 20 lifeboats enough for 1178 people. But that was not enough because there were over 2,208 people.The Titanic had a maximum capacity of 3,547 passengers and crew. If they had managed to add more lifeboats it would have saved all of the passengers.

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Who the captain was and all about what he did.
The captain of the famous titanic was named Edward john smith and nick named captain luxury.He ignored seven iceberg warnings from his crew and other ships. If he had called to slow down the ship maybe the disaster would not have happened.
After the ship sunk it was found that the captain of the mighty ship had been dragged down with it. The musicians played a song  most famously known as the last song played by the Titanic's band, as the steam liner sank beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean not even attempting to get of the ship.


In the end the titanic was a total disaster. Many people died on the titanic because of hitting the iceberg. The flame that had weakened the ship when it was being built was in just the same spot that the iceberg hit. This weaken the ship and the caused destruction of it. Some people still think it was the fault of captain of the titanic. He ignored the warnings and ended up killing thousands of passengers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

summarise the text the deadly flu

most people who get the flu recover but this deadly flu kill people world wide 50 million died and soldier from wae were comin g back to and it reached  every part of the country  it went at deadly speed

Monday, November 5, 2018

spelling words

species : a specie is a tipe of animal it like its a animal tipe theirs lots of them in the world
spinnaker : a large three-cornered sail

spacious : having lots of space
specific : very describing
speculate :  a subject without firm evidence.

spaghetti : dinner that Italy have
specimen : a very precious object

sporadic : comes to very few places
specialty : valuable

sponsor : hire

Sunday, September 9, 2018


ways i show respect
in the classroom;

  • i listen to my classmates
  • listen when someone else is talking

  • i pass when i have the ball
    • i give others a turn on the playground

      • i let them before me
      • i help my friends when there hurt
      at home

      • i thank my parents for home work
      • i say thank you when my parents help me

      Thursday, August 2, 2018

      spelling 30th July Monday

      1. permission i have great permission to every thing because i am king
      2. gracious i am so gracious to people who have broken legs
        1. tension the state of stretched up
        2. transmission  programme or signal that is broadcast or sent out
        3. crucial of great importance
        4. precious you dont whant something to be harmed
        5. cautious careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
        6. moustache a strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip
        7. completion the action or process of completing or finishing something.
        8. suspension the action of suspending someone

      Tuesday, June 26, 2018

      Once upon a time there was two trainers named ninja and jezza and one explorer they lived in a dino park in there park there was a dinosaur called tyla the t-rex tom the triceratops. One day there was a loud boom and there there was a roar and then there was another boom and then something that sounded like grrrraakkk and then a flock of birds came whooshing past and then in the trees they sore a head poke up and then went down and then they saw a hole lot of trees come crashing down bang,crash,boom.

      then i heard another roar and another grrrraakkk then they sore the same head again it looked like a a a they stamerd t-rex the screech bairley out because of their surprise from seeing the head of the dinosaur suddenly there was a sqqqqqq uuuuuu eeeewwww. And then i realised what it was a volcano from the other side of town. which was 3k away i would have to get out of here but then i realized that the triceratops and t-rex were battling over there so they decide to try and get the triceratops win so we can get out of here. strait away before the larver melts us to pieces and burn us so they set of from the dino zoo ready to fight whatever comes they said as they set off. They had packed food and everything they need after a couple of hours they heard a another grrrraakkk and roar then they sore the t-rex it was huge and then i saw a triceratops charging into his foot the t-rex roared with anger and then he turned round and saw us we pulled out our sniper and fired it didn’t even make a scratch. all it did was make him angrier he stopped blow them away but they got up and stormed back they tried to get close. But there was another stomp but this time harder booooooom the ground shook  and vibrate.

      They fell over again the blow was so big it was as big as a earthquake with the atmosphere. When it had hit them it blow them more then the last one and then they noticed the larver getting closer they ran back and bye the time they got there the triceratops had beaten the t-rex they were amazed they were shocked they were terrified for a moment they thought it was going to charge but it didn’t after a while they new he wasn’t going to charge but just as they were going to go through they heard screams ! and then they new what it was the larver.

      They ran outside the larver was getting close then ninja came up with a  great idea build a wall. But then the triceratops starts grabbing rocks and building one by the time it was a few centimeters away the wall was finished and the rock started steaming and after a while it stop. they saved the park but they couldn’t see there hom so they said ok let's camp out shall we the little one said but i'm hungry and thirsty then let's find some berries They went on for ages and it turned out there was something they they didn't even notice on the deck and it wasn't on the maps it was a hole lot of bushes of grapes and berries it was amazing they had found one of the best places on earth 12 hours later ahhhhh ( as billy stretched up in the morning) when they finally all woke up they got going and finally they got there they ate and ate and went to sleep the end

      Tuesday, May 29, 2018

      59.5 Degrees South

      they were dropping the device that tells the temperature and  curent